Through family structures based on generational trauma and the weight of societal expectations, I have resorted to dissociation as a means of survival. Amidst this disconnection, nature has unfailingly been my refuge, a steadfast source of solace, and an anchor for inner peace.  

My current body of work is a conscious recognition of the depth of this connection, a profound sense of belonging and healing. The roots of my artistic vision are found deep in the jungles of the Peruvian Amazon, a birthplace of biogenic ochres, but also in the memory of places lived. As an immigrant I offer a multifaceted view, bridging together a deeply personal story with the universally shared. My creative act has evolved into an intuitive process which turns up the volume on my sensitivity towards the natural world. Soils, fibers, texture, aromas, paper, barks, and a rich tapestry of earth derived ochres form the building blocks of my artistry. Through these, I craft works that beckon the audience to do more than just observe; they invite them to feel the art, to connect with the earth, and to ground themselves alongside me.

Drawing inspiration from multitude of fiber artists for their strong visceral artworks, I also look to the greats like Anselm Kiefer, Mark Bradford and El Anatsui for their grandeur. My work aims to serve as a testament to the power of art as a vessel for reconnection with oneself, one’s heritage and the world at large.